Say goodbye to payment uncertainties with Pruf, the ultimate “Payment Upon Delivery” solution for e-commerce.
Say goodbye to payment uncertainties with Pruf, the ultimate “Payment Upon Delivery” solution for e-commerce.
“Imagine a world where trust isn’t an option—it’s the standard. PRUF ensures you only pay when your delivery arrives. Isn’t that the security online shopping deserves?”
Plada Infotech’s capability to offer precise merchant acquisition services stems from our deep understanding of the client offering, consumer culture and the merchant value proposition. With our end-to-end services model, we strive to add value by keeping our clients at the center of every decision, while serving the merchants with maximized value returns towards their business.
Looking for a first-class Merchant Acquisition Services ?
We provide outstanding service through teamwork, accountability and innovation which is reflected in the quality of our results.
We innovate, improvise and adapt to deliver results consistently for our client.
Tools like Sales, Service, and Relationship CRM are built in-house basis our extensive learning in the field. Plada has also created its own HRMS.
Before we propose an idea, we shine a spotlight on your organization to fully understand its business requirements.
We invest optimum senior management time to ensure your business objectives are well understood and successfully achieved.
We understand that every business is unique and needs dynamic pricing and dynamic strategy to bring sustainability in to the market